UM6P University Campus



Team: Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Photos: Gregori Civera  
Renders: Michele Tota 

The university campus, spanning 90 hectares, was conceived as an integrated environment housing residences, sports areas, academic facilities, and extensive green spaces. Its design was structured around a main circulation axis and a peripheral green belt, unifying all phases of the project.

To ensure efficiency in project execution, a “fast-track” design and construction methodology was adopted. This approach involved coordinated work between design and construction teams, enabling simultaneous design and building processes. This optimization shortened delivery timelines and allowed for agile responses to changes and adjustments during construction.

To oversee the execution of public spaces and landscaping, periodic site visits were conducted in Morocco. These visits allowed for on-site verification of design compliance, adjustment of construction details, and assurance of quality finishes.